いまNode.jsのインストールから、*.coffee → *.js などの変換が超簡単になっているんですね。WindowsでもMacでもバッチで一発でやってくれます。すごい便利。
試しにHTML5 Canvasに画像を使わずにお花をシェイプで描いて、マウスクリックした位置にスプレーするサンプルを作ってみました。
class FlowerJS
FlowerCanvas : null
drawingContext : null
flowerCurrent : null
flowerPink : null
flowerBlue : null
flowerOrange : null
flowerYellow : null
constructor: ->
@bloomFlowers(256, 256)
createCanvas: ->
@FlowerCanvas = document.createElement ‘canvas’
document.body.appendChild @FlowerCanvas
#canvas click event.
@FlowerCanvas.addEventListener ‘click’,(e)=>
rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
if e.offsetX
mouseX = e.offsetX – rect.left
mouseY = e.offsetY – rect.top
else if e.layerX
mouseX = e.layerX – rect.left
mouseY = e.layerY – rect.top
@bloomFlowers(mouseX, mouseY)
Canvas size
resizeCanvas: ->
@FlowerCanvas.height = 512
@FlowerCanvas.width = 512
Create 2d Context
createDrawingContext: ->
@drawingContext = @FlowerCanvas.getContext ‘2d’
Create flower object.
createFlower : (ptlsNum, ptlsLen, subpos1x, subpos1y, subpos2x, subpos2y,
col1R, col1G, col1B, col2R, col2G, col2B, col3R, col3G, col3B) ->
ptlsNum : Number(ptlsNum)
ptlsLen : Number(ptlsLen)
subpos1x : Number(subpos1x)
subpos1y : Number(subpos1y)
subpos2x : Number(subpos2x)
subpos2y : Number(subpos2y)
col1R : Number(col1R)
col1G : Number(col1G)
col1B : Number(col1B)
col2R : Number(col2R)
col2G : Number(col2G)
col2B : Number(col2B)
col3R : Number(col3R)
col3G : Number(col3G)
col3B : Number(col3B)
A random kind of Some flowers are blooming in starting.
initFlowers : ->
@flowerPink = @createFlower(8, 16, 16, -8, 4, -4, 255, 80, 80, 255, 188, 180, 255, 230, 230)
@flowerBlue = @createFlower(6, 32, 16, -6, -16, -10, 200, 200, 255, 0, 0, 255, 180, 180, 255)
@flowerOrange = @createFlower(5, 24, 0, -1, -10, -14, 255, 160, 80, 255, 220, 180, 255, 245, 230)
@flowerYellow = @createFlower(24, 48, 0, 8, -10, -14, 230, 230, 80, 255, 170, 55, 255, 255, 160)
initNum = @randRange(0, 3)
switch initNum
when 1 then @flowerCurrent = @flowerBlue
when 2 then @flowerCurrent = @flowerOrange
when 3 then @flowerCurrent = @flowerYellow
else @flowerCurrent = @flowerPink;
Some flowers are blooming.
bloomFlowers : (posx, posy) ->
# add random number of flowers
addnum = @randRange(4, 8)
# paint a flower
for i in [0…addnum]
px = @randRange(posx-54, posx+54)
py = @randRange(posy-54, posy+54)
# one flower
@aFlower(px, py, @flowerCurrent)
Mutatie current flower.
mutateFlower : ->
num = @randRange(0, 15)
switch num
when 0
@flowerCurrent.ptlsNum = @normalDistribution(flowerCurrent.ptlsNum, 4)
when 1
@flowerCurrent.ptlsLen = @normalDistribution(flowerCurrent.ptlsLen, 4)
when 2
@flowerCurrent.subpos1x = @normalDistribution(flowerCurrent.subpos1x, 2)
when 3
@flowerCurrent.subpos1y = @normalDistribution(flowerCurrent.subpos1y, 2)
when 4
@flowerCurrent.subpos2x = @normalDistribution(flowerCurrent.subpos2x, 2)
when 5
@flowerCurrent.subpos2y = @normalDistribution(flowerCurrent.subpos2y, 2)
when 6
@flowerCurrent.col1R = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col1R)
when 7
@flowerCurrent.col1G = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col1G)
when 8
@flowerCurrent.col1B = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col1B)
when 9
@flowerCurrent.col2R = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col2R)
when 10
@flowerCurrent.col2G = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col2G)
when 11
@flowerCurrent.col2B = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col2B)
when 13
@flowerCurrent.col3R = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col3R)
when 14
@flowerCurrent.col3G = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col3G)
when 15
@flowerCurrent.col3B = @colorMutation(@flowerCurrent.col3B)
Mutate flower’s petals color
colorMutation : (colval) ->
colval = @normalDistribution(colval, 30)
if colval > 255
colval = 255;
else if colval < 0
colval = 0;
A flower is open
aFlower : (posx, posy, objFlw) ->
# the start of the points to paint ( central points of flower )
p0x = posx
p0y = posy
petalsNum = objFlw.ptlsNum
## the end of the points to paint
p3x = p0x + objFlw.ptlsLen
p3y = p0y
# sub line ( bulges out )
p1x = p0x + objFlw.subpos1x
p1y = p0y + objFlw.subpos1y
p2x = p3x + objFlw.subpos2x # relative distance of the end points
p2y = p3y + objFlw.subpos2y
# sub line ( to create mirroring image )
p4x = p3x + objFlw.subpos2x
p4y = p3y – objFlw.subpos2y
p5x = p0x + objFlw.subpos1x
p5y = p0y – objFlw.subpos1y
# flower’s color
col1 = ‘rgb(‘+objFlw.col1R+’,’+objFlw.col1G+’,’+objFlw.col1B+’)’
col2 = ‘rgb(‘+objFlw.col2R+’,’+objFlw.col2G+’,’+objFlw.col2B+’)’
col3 = ‘rgb(‘+objFlw.col3R+’,’+objFlw.col3G+’,’+objFlw.col3B+’)’
# color transparent
TransParent = 1
# size
Size = 1
# border width
@drawingContext.lineWidth = 2
# transparent of border
@drawingContext.globalAlpha = TransParent
# scale
@drawingContext.scale(Size, Size)
n0 = 0
n1 = 1
angle = 0
# calc rotation angle for number of petals
for i in [0…petalsNum]
if i > Math.ceil(petalsNum/2)-1
angle = (360/petalsNum)*n1
n1 = n1 + 2
angle = (360/petalsNum)*n0
n0 = n0 + 2
radian = angle * Math.PI / 180 #rotation angle
# start to paint
# gradation color
grad_r = @rotatePosition(radian, p0x, p0y, p3x, p3y)
grad = @drawingContext.createLinearGradient(p0x, p0y, grad_r.x, grad_r.y)
gradation samples
grad.addColorStop(0,’rgb(192, 80, 77)’); // red
grad.addColorStop(0.5,’rgb(155, 187, 89)’); // green
grad.addColorStop(1,’rgb(128, 100, 162)’); // purple
grad.addColorStop(0, col1)
grad.addColorStop(0.5, col2)
grad.addColorStop(1, col3)
@drawingContext.fillStyle = grad;
# calc rotation points
p1_r = @rotatePosition(radian, p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y)
p2_r = @rotatePosition(radian, p0x, p0y, p2x, p2y)
p3_r = @rotatePosition(radian, p0x, p0y, p3x, p3y)
p4_r = @rotatePosition(radian, p0x, p0y, p4x, p4y)
p5_r = @rotatePosition(radian, p0x, p0y, p5x, p5y)
@drawingContext.moveTo(p0x, p0y)
@drawingContext.bezierCurveTo(p1_r.x, p1_r.y, p2_r.x, p2_r.y, p3_r.x, p3_r.y)
@drawingContext.bezierCurveTo(p4_r.x, p4_r.y, p5_r.x, p5_r.y, p0x, p0y) # close mirror image.
@drawingContext.stroke() # paint line
@drawingContext.fill() # fill color
# class aFlower end.
Random numbers in range
randRange: (minnum, maxnum) ->
randVal = Math.round(Math.random()*(maxnum-minnum))+minnum
Calc rotation points
rotatePosition: (radian, cx, cy, x1, y1) ->
x: ((x1-cx) * Math.cos(-radian) – (y1-cy) * Math.sin(-radian) + cx)
y: ((x1-cx) * Math.sin(-radian) + (y1-cy) * Math.cos(-radian) + cy)
Get random number with Norma distribution
normalDistribution: (value, range) ->
a = 1 – Math.random();
b = 1 – Math.random();
c = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(a));
if 0.5 – Math.random() > 0
value = Math.floor(c * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * b) * range + value)
value = Math.floor(c * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * b) * range + value)
#class FlowerJS end.
window.FlowerJS = FlowerJS
このサイトはスパムを低減するために Akismet を使っています。コメントデータの処理方法の詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
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